Progress is not always positive



                Been thinking on this a lot as of late. We have become so obsessed with sprinting towards the finish line of life, technology, commerce, etc. which has progressed at breakneck speeds yet we have completely lost sight of our growth as human beings. Do we feel things are better or worse now than before? If we keep moving forward at this rate, by the time it is the year 3000, we will all be robots and only have a vague recollection of what it used to mean to be human. I believe that we need to get back to learning how to be self-reliant, to a degree, and find a better balance for all of humanity.

                The one positive thing this entire pandemic has caused is for each individual, and the entire world, to take a pause and a step back for a moment. To really look at what we all have been doing, the good and the bad. I feel like we are often given signs that are saying, “Slow down, take a look around, appreciate what you have and really pay attention before you get to a point that you cannot come back from.” I hope that we will all learn from this and start progressing to a more harmonious, healthier future. This can either be the best, or worst, thing to ever happen to humanity.

                There is a balance to all things, so it is not to say that advancements in many of these areas have not been positive, it is to say that we have been so distracted by the good that we have not even considered the bad.

                Automatic, electric cars have made it easier for us to get around and have been better for the environment, at least partly, yet how many of us can even change our own oil or find our way without them. Technology has shrunk the world in drastic measures yet are we closer now or further away? We have the entire universe at our fingertips and have the ability to connect instantaneously with anyone in the world, yet we are more isolated than ever. With the growth of anything positive there is always an opportunity for equal, if not more, expansion of the negative, and vice versa.

                We not only have given up our abilities for the sake of convenience but have also given away so many our freedoms and rights without so much as a second thought, until it is far too late. By the time we realize how many things were a mistake we will have become so reliant on the system that it will be impossible to ever break free from.

                We are, and have been throughout history, continually lied to by those in power. How many times must we have it shown to us as clear as day only to forget it just as quickly? We have become so addicted and dependent on these toxic ways of life that our continually forced down our throats and then we look to these exact same people and programs to save us and keep us healthy during a crisis.

                How much are we actually ever taught about taking care of our health and wellbeing, as opposed to learning how to slap a band aid, surgery, vaccines and pills on everything first. Do we not see deception in the fact that we are almost never educated on things that truly matter? How to be healthier, mentally, physically, spiritually. Why we are never informed on ways to boost our immune systems naturally, grow our own food, how to breath correctly, how to be healthier overall? (Rhetorical question btw) Well we are but only if it has to do with buying some toxic bullshit that we will poison ourselves with which will in turn keep us reliant on and make us sicker in the long run.

                Again, this is not to say that all of these things (technology/medicine/etc.) are necessarily evil and unhealthy, it is to say that unless we are being told the whole truth and educated than we are being manipulated. It is far too easy to point out all the positives of something while neglecting to mention every negative thing that comes with it. We put a spotlight on the good because it keeps all other things in the dark.

                Doctors, news outlets and media are not allowed to inform us on what other options and opinions there may be even if they wanted to, unless it is line with those that own the company, which is another topic all together. It would be wonderful if we did not have to take most information we receive with a grain of salt but unfortunately every single thing on this planet has been infected with greed and deceit and we no longer can believe what we are being told, not to say that we ever could. There are ulterior motives to everything and we do not even know who is pulling the strings, other than the puppets that are paraded in front of us to keep us all distracted and fighting over pointless topics. The majority of things having to do with our health and wellbeing has been bought and paid for by corporations whose first priority has nothing to do with having a healthy, safe and self-reliant population.               

                As difficult and heart breaking as everything can be right now there is also potential to focus on and promote the good that we can all be doing. We have an opportunity to focus on and fix the things that we should have all along.

                I hope that we all use this forced break to step back, pause and really take a look around for a minute that way we come back better individually and as the human race.


-The end